Foot Problems You Should Never Handle At Home If You Are Diabetic

Many diabetic people lose their legs every year, but this a tragedy that can be prevented.  As a general rule, diabetic persons should not ignore any kinds of trauma, even the ones that seem minor. In particular, you should consult your doctors if you experience any of these symptoms:  

Difficulty in Walking

If you have difficulty in walking, then you may be dealing with diabetic arthritis. This is a condition where your foot's muscles, cartilage, tendons and joints are inflamed.  It usually occurs if ill-fitting shoes are putting excessive pressure on your feet. It may also be occasioned by an overactive immune system. In the latter case, the inflammation can move to other internal organs of the body if not properly treated.


Don't ignore any blister that forms on your foot, however small it is. With diabetes, there is no such thing as a minor wound because any blister can fester into a serious wound and require an amputation. Remember, the disease reduces blood flow to the feet, so the wounds do not heal as fast or well as wounds on non-diabetic persons.


Those who are not diabetic can remove feet calluses at home by soaking their feet, scrubbing them and then wiping them dry. However, as a diabetic, that would be a very dangerous thing to do. Scrubbing your feet can lead to blistering, and as explained above, wounds and diabetes do not mix well.

New Numbness

If you have been diabetic for some time, then it is possible that parts of your foot may be numb. However, you should consult a doctor every time a new part of the foot appears numb. It might mean that the area is not getting adequate blood or that a nerve has been pinched. Whatever the reason, your doctor will know what to do to avoid infections.


Itching, especially if it is constant, may mean that a fungal infection is festering in your feet. This is because most skin infections start as itches. In healthy persons, the body's immunity or home remedies usually get rid of such infections. If you are diabetic, however, then even these "minor" fungal infections can lead to serious complications.

As you can see, you shouldn't ignore any changes in your feet if you are diabetic. Apart from other diabetic medication, you should also work closely with your doctor, and follow all his or her instructions diligently. Ask your doctor about other measures you should take. For more information, contact Allied Ankle & Foot Care Centers PC or a similar location.
