Four Of The Biggest Myths To Know If You Think A Loved One Is Suffering From Alzheimer's Disease
For someone dealing with Alzheimer's in their family, life is likely becoming much more difficult on a day to day basis. Despite the fact that so many people deal with Alzheimer's, most people only know the basics about this disease. There's still a lot of misinformation out there. Here's a look at some of the most common misconceptions about Alzheimer's Disease, and the real truth behind them.
Myth #1: Alzheimer's Disease is For Old People
It is true that the majority of people that suffer from Alzheimer's are age 65 or older, but it's certainly not true that everyone is. Early-onset Alzheimer's can been seen in some people before age 40. People who develop Alzheimer's at a young age often go undiagnosed for a long time because physicians don't assume it's a possibility. Early-onset Alzheimer's can be passed down from a parent, so take that into consideration when thinking about a diagnosis.
Myth #2: Alzheimer's Symptoms Are A Normal Part of Aging
While some of the major symptoms of Alzheimer's, like memory loss, are a natural part of aging, these symptoms getting so bad that they interfere with your daily life isn't normal. An aging senior might forget their keys or phone, or forget how to get to somewhere they've been before. But if they're forgetting family members or important information like their name and address, it's something to be aware of. Mild memory loss happens with age, but memory loss from Alzheimer's gradually gets worse and worse. Being forgetful doesn't mean someone has Alzheimer's, but it's something to address if it becomes more serious.
Myth #3: Treatments Are Available That Can Stop Alzheimer's
Unfortunately, there's currently not a "cure" for Alzheimer's. There are medications and treatments that can fight against specific symptoms, but the disease itself cannot be slowed. There are supplements, diets, and even medications that claim to "cure" Alzheimer's but that's just not the case. Learning how to best deal with the symptoms is a much more efficient treatment than trying to fight the disease itself.
If you have a loved one who is dealing with Alzheimer's, it can be difficult on everyone involved. That's why it's often just best to trust Alzheimer's care to a professional. They've likely dealt with hundreds of situations just like this one, and they know exactly how to deal best with your needs. With the proper care, someone doesn't have to suffer from Alzheimer's but can have a relatively fulfilling life.