What You Should Know If You Have A Snapping Hip

For many people, the snapping or popping sound that they hear in their hip when they stand up, walk around, or workout and try to stretch is nothing more than an annoyance that gets them weird looks from the people around them. However, a snapping hip (or popping hip) is actually more than just a noisy nuisance. Get to know more about what a snapping hip really means and how you can properly deal with your snapping hip with the help of an orthopedic specialist. Then, you can better care for yourself and your hip now and in the future.

What Causes Your Snapping Hip?

The snapping sound you hear coming from your hip is not just a random noise. It is actually due to the muscles and tendons in the hip. Generally speaking, the popping sounds occur because those tendons and muscles are overly tight. The snapping occurs when the connective tissue in the hip is rubbing against a portion of the thigh bone (the trochanter).

Many times, this snapping sound when the connective tissue hits the trochanter is not otherwise noticeable. However, sometimes you may be able to also feel a snapping sensation or a feeling that seems as though your hip is popping in and out of the socket.

Are There Any Health Risks Associated With Snapping Hips?

Snapping hip is generally considered to be a condition that is relatively harmless. However, it can evolve and develop into something painful and troublesome. For example, when your snapping hip causes you discomfort and pain when the connective tissue rubs against the thigh bone, that connective tissue may be suffering damage due to the friction.

A person with snapping hip who continues activities and routines without treatment can also develop bursitis. Bursitis is the painful inflammation of the fluid sacs around joints. This condition can make regular activities like walking and exercising difficult and excruciatingly painful.

What Are The Treatments For Snapping Hips?

Snapping hip can be treated in a variety of ways. The first line of treatment is often physical therapy as well as rest and icing of the hip area. Physical therapy places an emphasis on the proper stretching of the hip joint so that the muscles and connective tissues are loose and supple. Yoga stretches and poses can also help with such issues.

If, however, bursitis develops or the connective tissue suffers damage, other treatments will be necessary. For bursitis of the hip, you may need to go through cortisone injections which place the anti-inflammatory medications directly into the bursa. NSAIDs like naproxen sodium or ibuprofen are also options.

In severe cases of snapping hip when the connective tissue in the hip joint is damaged, you may need surgery to correct the situation. An orthopedic surgeon may be able lengthen the tendons in your hip to stop the snapping and associated discomfort.

Now that you know more about your snapping hip, you know what to do to take better care of yourself and your hips going forward.
