3 Tips For Getting Started Teaching Your Own Yoga Classes
If you have recently completed your yoga teaching certification, you are likely itching to get started teaching yoga classes. While this is definitely the next step, it is important that you plan out what you would like to do before simply diving in. This can help you to be a better yoga teacher and have a more successful and long lasting career. This article will discuss 3 tips for getting started teaching your own yoga classes.
Find A Niche
There are so many different yoga instructors out there, so it is very important that you find a niche that helps you to stand out. For example, choose a specific type of yoga to focus on and advertise. If you love hot yoga, then offer a great hot yoga class that gives those who attend your class a unique and intense workout that will leave them wanting to come back for more. Another idea is to cater to a specific clientele, such as working professionals, like The Yoga Department does. As time goes on, you can see what classes are the most successful for you as well as what times are the most full of people; this observation helps you to create a class schedule that is going to be best for your success as a yoga instructor.
Host A Free Class
Another great thing that you can do to start bringing people to your classes initially is to offer a free yoga class. Advertise this class in as many locations as you possibly can so that any and all who are interested will come. If they come to one of your free classes and love it, then they are going to be much more likely to sign up and pay for more of your classes. This will help you to make more money and to have more success in the long run because one free class will potentially bring in multiple paying students for you.
Get Insured
Something that you may not think of initially, but something that is incredibly important, is to get insured. When you teach a yoga class, you are going to be liable for the people in your class. If one of them happens to get hurt, they can potentially blame you for their injury. If you have a good liability insurance in place, then you are going to be covered and much better able to handle situations like this, when and if they arise. While liability insurance is going to cost you a certain fee each month for the service, it is well worth the cost for the level of protection that it provides.