How To Help Your ADHD Child
The amount of ADHD cases in children are on the rise. Right now it is said that between 5-11% of children have this condition. Since it is something that your child might encounter, you need to be ready and able to deal with it. These tips will help you figure out if you have a child with ADHD, and what you should do next.
1. Know what signs point toward your child having ADHD
A lot of kids get overlooked when it comes to ADHD. The cases that stand out are the ones where the child can't sit still and is disruptive in class. But kids that chronically day dream and have trouble focusing and following directions may also have ADHD. If your child falls along one of these spectrums, the best thing to do is to get them tested. Having them tested by a qualified doctor will let you know if your child has ADHD, and then you can get them treatment.
2. Get them a professional that offers the right ADHD treatment
You need to sit down with a doctor and decide on how you want to approach your child's ADHD treatment. It could be a matter of prescribing medicine, behavioral therapy or other types of treatment. There are entire medical practices that deal with helping kids with ADHD, so it is best to pair your child with a doctor that is passionate about it. Medicine is often overprescribed, so it is better than you help them learn to deal with their energy and emotions in order to focus, rather than masking those feelings.
3. Put them in schools that can address their needs
The saying that it takes a village to raise a child definitely applies to ADHD treatment. Put your child in a school that has the resources to help them through this condition. It is better to have them in a school that understands this condition and works with it, instead of having them just pulled aside as behavior issue. This is very important because failing to give them the help they need in school and lead to your child being turned off to education altogether. They might become bored or feel alienated if their needs are not being met in the school. Talk to resource officers and school psychologists, and have ongoing conversations with their teachers.
These tips will help you if you have a child with ADHD. For more information, reach out to doctors like Michele Campione, M.D.